Home Learning
Welcome to the home learning page.
This home learning has been designed to blend with the core knowledge and skills related to the curriculum. These tasks have been chosen to consolidate learning - to help children to know and remember more.
This is intended for children who are unable to attend school for a short time, but are well enough to access home learning. As you can see, it is divided into Maths, English and Wider Curriculum. We advise that each day you choose one activity from each section. The activities have been chosen to be straight forward and to reflect methods/formats that the children are already familiar with. If, however, you need any advice from the class teacher, please do not hesitate to contact the school. We want home learning to be a positive experience, so by all means, allow your child to choose activities that they want to do! If they are unwell there is no expectation that they do any home learning.
If you are advised that your child has to isolate for the full 7 to 10 days, please inform the school straight away - the teacher will then provide weekly home learning via Showbie that tie in with what the class are learning each day.